Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Email to the Art Department

"Hi, my name is Mary. I am an accounting major and I haven’t taken any art classes on campus or anywhere else. I wasn’t sure who to go to with this question, so I think I will explain my situation and what I was hoping for. I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the very beginning of this year. After going through 7 rounds of chemotherapy, my cancer still regrew and spread quickly. My oncologist says my cancer is chemo resistant and estimates that I have about 6 months to 1 year to live. I hope he is wrong about that. While I was going through chemotherapy, I started to paint. I really enjoyed it and it relaxed me and distracted me from how terrible I was feeling. This spring semester, I want to just sign up for classes I enjoy. I was really hoping to take a course in painting, but I do not have the prerequisites to take any of the classes available. Ideally, I would love to take a class that I could primarily do at home because I get very tired. Are there any options available to me? I really appreciate any help or advice you might have, even if my only option is to get painting lessons somewhere." 

Whatever happens, I just want to enjoy my life. 

I am not sure if this video will work. It's a recording of the meeting my parents had with Dr. Barnes had that they weren't going to tell me about. Luckily, my dad recorded it and set it to me after I found out about it.  


  1. Iḿ so sad to hear that your cancer is going this way.. :(
    I have been following your blog for a while (but haven´t been commenting so much...)

  2. I hope you get somekind of art class!
