На сигаретах пишут "вызывает рак лёгких" ,на
спиртном "вредит здоровью". Почему на девушках не пишут "пиздeц
нервной системе"?!
Translation: On cigarettes it says "causes lung cancer,”
on alcohol "is harmful to health." Why do the girls do not say "fucks
with nervous system"!?
So my Skype experiment went horribly wrong. The experiment
where I skyped with a guy who only speaks Russian and no English at all? Failure!
I thought it was harmless to add him on facebook when he asked, but that did
not work out so well. He tried to tag himself as being at the airport nearest
to me and posted a picture of himself on my Facebook wall…. not cute, just
creepy! He was also messaging me multiple times a day on skype, facebook, and
mamba. Usually just kissy faces and heart and hug emoticons. So I basically had
to write him a Dear John letter. I wrote each sentence in English and then
translated the same sentence into Russian. I said everything twice so he ccouldn’t misunderstand
“Sorry no skype today. Busy day. I think you love me too
much. Я чувствую, что ты любишь меня слишком много. You are too far away to be
my boyfriend. Существует слишком большое расстояние для любви. I do not
understand you a lot. You don't understand me a lot. Мы не понимаем друг друга.
Языковой барьер. Большой проблемой. I am sure you can find a nice girl in your
city. A nice girl nearby you. Вы живете в большом городе. Есть много хороших девочек
там, я уверен. Вы мне нравитесь но я не могу быть твоей девушкой. I hope for
happiness in your life. Я надеюсь, что для счастья в вашей жизни.”
I really don’t like to hurt any person’s feelings ever if I
can avoid it so I decided to check in on him today by sending him a message on Skype when I saw that he was online. I was already concerned when he had the
Russian phrase above posted on his page. When he responded, he was no longer
even attempting to use English and was very short with me. So I suppose that
was not meant to blossom into a friendship…
I didn’t spend my whole day online though. I actually did
get out! I had breakfast with my awesome friend Jessica and then picked up a few
random things at the store, like bananas, tea, straws, and my favorite type of
fake butter. :-)
I feel a bit like I have to censor myself here on my own blog as it has gotten out and around. I would feel comfortable giving out a lot more information if I had the option of choosing my readers but sadly it doesn't work that way because a link can be passed around so easily. So to some extent, I'm always considering who will be reading this even though I'd rather not worry about that at all. Maybe it could be a lot more interesting if I felt I could say anything I like.
"Mother Russia" is a hilarious tag!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, for the last part of that, you could create a more private blog, that you only give out to people you're interested in letting read it. That way it doesn't fall into the "wrong hands" or spread out too far. I feel like there are ways to make it so that only certain people can read what you write, but I'm not sure if that extends to blogspot or not(since I know it works on other sites). Might be worth looking into as well!
I'm way too lazy to create two blogs :-P
DeleteYou can password protect some posts and keep some open. I do that a lot!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how to on this site. I'll try to figure it out :-)