Stage Makeup is not the fun class I thought it would be. If
anything, it my biggest source of stress at the moment. No, it’s not cancer
because I don’t have 5 assignments due for cancer on Monday that cancer has not
even prepared me for. I started emailing the professor of this course over a
month before it started to ask about the class and what materials I would need.
We emailed back and forth about the required makeup kit and came to the
conclusion that I would need a kit more appropriate for sensitive skin because
the chemotherapy has caused my skin to be extra irritable. Despite exchanging
several emails about this makeup kit, she forgot to mail it to me until I
reminded her a couple of days AFTER the course had started. I had been expected
it to arrive at my house any day, like an idiot, even though she had completely
forgotten about it. She mailed it and said not to worry because I had “plenty
of time” to get the assignments done as they were all due June the 11th (one
week after my kit arrived). Plenty of time to her is not the same as plenty of
time for me because I never know when I’m going to feel like absolute shit and
too sick and exhausted to do the work. In my other class (statistics), I was
able to get a bit of a head start but in this class I was delayed instead. I
sent her pictures from my attempt at the first assignment to get her feedback
because I felt I hadn’t done a great job. She never responded. When I
discovered while watching her instructional videos that supplies that I needed
were simply not included in my makeup kit, I emailed her. Half the things that were
in the regular makeup kit were not included in mine. She did respond to this
email…. She had forgotten… again. She told me some things I could get at any
grocery store that would replace some things missing in my kit. She vaguely
mentioned something about a missing “eyebrow thing” (her words) but did not explain
what it was or what I would need it for. So I set out in the heat of the day to
get a dobie kitchen sponge (never heard of it), makeup pencils (she wasn’t
specific about what kind at all), and cornstarch for powder. I already felt
like crap, so not surprisingly, I puked on myself on the ride home. Again. I
care about making good grades and I care about being good at doing makeup. This
woman, though she seems very nice, is making my academic life very difficult
right now. And I don’t have much going on outside of that and feeling crappy.
On top of all that, I am required to take my 3rd
statistics test before midnight, but the materials I need to look over before
the test are still unavailable. And no response from that professor.
Right now I’m deciding if I want to turn right on Suck It Up
Boulevard or left on Fuck This Shit Road.
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