Friday, June 29, 2012

Zombie Clown

I'm exhausted. I want to be asleep right now but for some reason I feel guilty when I don't update here regularly. I'm not sure why... maybe if I go too long without writing someone will think I'm dead? Just some of my not fully explainable guilt.

The good news of the day is that I made a 96% on my statistics final which makes my overall grade for the class a 96.1%. My grade was made available at 3:00 PM and I logged in to check it at exactly 3:04 PM and did the math to figure out my final grade right away. My mom took me out to dinner to celebrate my grade and the first summer semester being over. Summer II starts Monday... the same day I go in for (maybe) chemo. :-/

The bad news of the day came in the form of a piece of mail from the Alabama Department of Revenue that basically said, "Hey bitch! You still owe us $222.68! We will cut out your kidney as payment if you don't send us money!" Ok, so a bit of an exaggeration. I already knew I owed this money... months ago. But I had completely forgotten about it. "Unexpected" expenses.

Even though I had already turned in my stage makeup final (the pictures I posted yesterday), there was one assignment left that I had put off and put off until the last minute (today - the last day to turn in assignments). It was a research paper. Basically I had to take character I couldn't create with the limited supplies I have and research and write about exactly how I would do the makeup for that character. I chose this cute little guy who made an appearance in the movie Zombieland:

My paper was probably shit, but I'm too exhausted to care at this point. Now I'm going to sleep. I hope I dream of blueberry pie again and not zombie clowns.

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