Tuesday, May 15, 2012


8:15 AM : I’m really glad I decided to start this blog. I have a truly horrific memory and I think it will be nice to be able to go back and revisit lost feelings and experiences. 

A very nice man from Sweden (I don’t know if he would have a problem with me posting his name here so I won’t to be safe) sent me a nice donation! I asked him if he would like for me to do a piece of artwork for him (and also mentioned that I wouldn’t be offended if he did not want one!) and he said something from The Lord of the Rings would be nice. Now I am thinking of what I might like to do. I would like to use my pastels but since I have not used them at all before, I’m worried I will just make a mess. 

I have to be back at the cancer center at 11:00 AM to get my Nuelasta shot (immune booster) and to get two bags of fluids. I’m guessing it will take about 4 hours. Normally I only get one bag of fluids the day after chemo, but Dr. Gore said that with the steroids making my blood sugars high, he felt two bags would be better. His nurse practitioner that had tried not to let me have any fluids at all after the last round while Dr. Gore was in Spain was in the room when he said that and I couldn’t help feeling a bit glad that she heard it too.


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