Sunday, May 6, 2012

"I'm as serious as cancer..."

I finally slept really well last night! Possibly because I stayed up much later and the shenanigans of last night wore me out. I did not have fun cleaning all that up today…

Your partner masturbates. So what? It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with your sex life. It just means your partner's human. 91% of men under age 70 have masturbated and 76% of women -- and likely many more. Masturbation has benefits, too: It relieves stress, helps with PMS pain in women, reduces early ejaculation in men, and may even help you sleep.” –
I correctly answered 12 out of 14 questions on WedMD’s “Bedroom Mistakes Women Make” quiz. Most were just common sense questions. It was a bit more informative than a Cosmo sex quiz though. You can take it here if you are interested:

A note: For those of you who do not see the value in rap/hip hop music, the … enthusiasm and driving beat really pep this chemo patient up when she is feeling a bit down or tired. On the other hand, if I’m feeling really awful, it just gives me a headache.


  1. There is nothing wrong with touching your wang, or your vajayjay.

    1. At first I thought that comment was saying she had both.

      Where is my coffee?

    2. Chicks with dicks are A-okay?

      I want coffee. :( :( :(
