Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I just got home from an exhausting 5 hours at the hospital. After a chest x-ray, some blood work, a talk with Dr. Gore, a CT scan, and an ultrasound... the diagnosis is whiny baby can't handle her chemo anymore. I guess I'm just at a point where I can't tell the different between the cumulative effects of chemo making me feel like shit and actually being sick. I am not accustomed to feeling this terrible (terrible just keeps getting worse). I'm dreading the way I will feel after the next treatment, though it will be my last and the feelings of euphoria that will follow might combat my feeling like death on a stick.

The trip to the hospital wasn't a complete waste of time though. Besides finding out that I am not sick and just need to get used to feeling like I have the flu and pneumonia all at once, I also found out that my stomach is not swollen because of the ascites (abdominal fluid build-up) again. The ultrasound technician informed me that I just have a lot of gas.... Lovely. But it is a good sign on the kicking cancer's ass front that she found very little fluid.

13 days left until my last treatment. I've been Xing out the days one by one. I'll go through the worst of it and then it will be over. Finally. Over half of this year has been devoted to fighting cancer and I'm ready to move on to something good.

My "m" key is starting not to want to work. If it gives out on me, I will either stop using words with "m" or use "$" as a replacement. Either option will be ridiculous.

And now I want nothing more than to take a big nap.


  1. I'm glad it wasn't anything nore than the chemo. Even if the chemo makes you feel horrible it seems to be doing it's job, and I think you deserve a long time without any illness after this. :-)

    1. I'm just glad that it will be over very soon! :-)

  2. Just saying hi.
    Wishing you well.
    Whiny baby, I think not.
    Better days are coming.

    1. I'm trying to look ahead to the finish line instead of feeling sorry for myself for how terrible I feel right now. 10 days left until my last treatment!
