Saturday, July 21, 2012

R is for Remission

Two days until my final treatment. I’m both excited to be done with chemo and dreading how awful I’m going to feel. Getting a bit depressed this last time scared me. Every time I’m down and out for even a day I worry that I will spiral out of control again. I keep reminding myself that I’m OK and that this will be over soon enough. It’s surprising how helpful it is for me to just say, “You’re OK” to myself. 

Soon I hope to hear Dr. Gore drop the R word: Remission. I suppose then I might need to change the name of this blog. I might consider not writing at all anymore since I don’t feel that I’m interesting here. I will have more going on in my life in the near future so I might have less time to dedicate to this blog. But I am planning something big though, which is the main reason I will probably continue posting! I have been trying to sort out the details of doing a semester abroad at Lund University in Lund, Sweden or at the Technical University of Dortmund in Dortmund, Germany during the spring or summer term of 2013! The school I choose (and whether I go at all) will depend on many different factors, including the financial aspect and getting everything prepared in time. I can only use the financial aid my university allocates to me if my university will accept the classes I choose to take abroad as transfer credits. 

These are the courses I was looking into for Lund U:

I can’t plan so much for Dortmund because even though my university has an exchange agreements with them, I need to hear back from the coordinator of exchange programs at my university. Her father had heart surgery recently (but he is doing better) so I understand why I haven’t heard from her. I might just email the TU Dortmund myself to get some information. 

It’s nice to have something to get excited about and look forward to now that I’m coming to the end of this cancer chapter. I might be a restraining order to prevent future recurrences.


  1. Just found your blog and had to say hello. I was diagnosed with granulosa cell on June 29. I go to MD Anderson on August 2 for evaluation and to obtain a treatment plan. It's all very scary, isn't it?

    1. It is very scary. If you need someone to talk to though, I'd be happy to tell you anything helpful I can. Also, it sounds really cheesy, but staying positive and finding anything you can do that cheers you up really helps so much.
