Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Samantha, Samantha, Samantha!

“You men have no idea what we’re dealing with down there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction, and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don’t call it a job for nothing.” – Samantha Jones

So back when all the episodes of Sex and the City were running on HBO, I know I watched every single one. A silly show in a lot of ways but I really liked it at the time. It didn’t mean the same thing back then obviously as it would if I watched it now, but in the last season of the show, Samantha Jones (one of the four main characters for those of you who don’t know) is diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m going purely by memory on this, but it seems as though her experience with cancer was glossed over, possibly because the show is meant to be fun overall? I don’t remember her going through a lot of the shit I’ve gone through, though she did have her moments. For example her hair started coming out while she was giving her boyfriend a blow job (bad timing!). But I do think the show did a good job showing some positive moments relating to her cancer, like the love and loyalty she got from her friends, a heartfelt moment when she decides to shave her head and her boyfriend does the same in support, and a powerful moment when she is trying to give an inspiring speech to a big room of women with cancer and because she has a hot flash, just takes her wig off on stage! Every woman in the room follows behind her and it is a bit moving. So I have mixed feelings about Samantha’s experience with cancer, though I’m sure since the show is following the lives of 4 different women, most topics get skimmed a bit. 

Samantha's speech:

Today I go in the early afternoon to get my neulasta shot (It has to be given about 24 hours after the chemo). It seems like it might have helped with boosting my white blood cell count last time since I never got terribly ill, so I’m glad to go and get it again, even with the bone pain it will cause. Not taking any trips to the hospital for diabetic ketoacidosis is always something to be thankful for!
Today, I woke up at 4:00 AM and just couldn’t get back to sleep. It could be all the steroids they gave me yesterday (although they didn’t seem to mess up my sleep after the last round of chemo) or it could be damn day light savings time. I’m sure I’ll probably need a nap later.  

Oh! I forgot to mention yesterday, when we were waiting in the lobby of the cancer center while they were checking my blood before chemo, my mom and I thought of a place to leave some of my cancer blog cards! In the lobby! If someone might be interested in my blog, it makes sense that it might be someone who is going through something similar to what I’m going through. Or maybe a friend or family member that is waiting while their loved one gets chemo might be interested. It’s weird to think of people I don’t know at all reading my blog, but that actually bothers me a lot less than thinking of some of the people I do know reading it! People I know that are really old fashioned or uptight that might find some of my posts offensive that I do have to see in real life, lol. 

Today will be less exciting (in a good way!) than yesterday but I think I will feel alright because the last Tuesday right after my Monday chemo I wasn’t feeling so bad yet. Wednesday is the day I started feeling crappy. So I plan on enjoying this day! Aaron, my coffee date, and I talked about him maybe coming to visit today before I start feeling bad but we couldn’t get it worked out because we had conflicted appointments and he has two hours to drive to get here. I’ll probably try to look through these medical bills before I start feeling crappy tomorrow. And as boring as it sounds, I think it will make me feel better to straighten up my space while I feel up to it!

My fiancé (мой жених) and I discussed our pretend marriage a bit while I couldn't sleep and he was at work. I told him that planning a pretend wedding isn't as fun I thought it would be because it is still stressful even if it's not going to be real! So we might just get married at ZAGS (an organization that registers all marriages, births, and deaths in Russia). I asked him if he wants a pre-nup and he says yes, haha! I guess he is worried I will take all his Russian money. Since I'm looking for good, free healthcare, he brought up the option of Canada. So I suggest that I marry a Canadian man and he marries a Canadian woman and we just become secret lovers, lol! Oh we have fun.... :-)

I need to add really quickly that even though the hair on my head was coming out in clumps last Sunday, it seems that the hair on my legs is still growing a bit! What bullshit deal! Hopefully this second round of chemo will at least take care of that! One benefit of chemo, lol. 

This is the dress I wore to my coffee date that was on Saturday:
I just needed an excuse to get dressed up!


  1. Have you looked into Australia yet for your fake wedding? $15/hour minimum wage, excellent health care and subsidized housing, it rules except for every living thing there that isn't human seemingly being designed for killing humans (or scaring the shit out of them, as in the case of Huntsman spiders). :P

    1. Wait, are you suggesting Australia as a wedding spot or as as place to live? I hadn't considered either but will look into it :-)
