Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Support Bracelets!

Too tired today to write much (I knew it would hit me today) so I'm just going to post pictures of the support bracelets my friends and family have been wearing for me! They say: There's something about Mary :-)

My friends at work all wearing the bracelets :-)
My friend Chris wearing one
Ke'Onn and Sarah, haha
My friend Joe and his bracelet
My cousin Holly with some super support!
Zach got his own Cancer Sucks bracelet in teal, which is apparently the official color of ovarian cancer

Just going to be exhausted and maybe nap/watch movies for the rest of the day.


  1. Hi! my name is Marie and im from sweden. I found your blog through Linnéa. The main reason i don´t write comment´s is that I´m embarressed about my english. The second: I tried to whrite comments on my phone and but it didn´t work.

    Two years ago i had lesions of the cervix (hope i got it right) and had to go trough surgery at the same time i was 8 weeks pregnant with my daughter. I can in some ways relate to you and I realy like your spirit and admire that you are open about EVERYTHING.

    I will try my best to wright comments and god luck with everything!!

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment! I understand all of your English very well! So you don't have to worry about that! :-)
      I hope everything went well with your surgery and that you and your daughter are going great now!

  2. I really need one of these bracelets. :) I feel like I'm not being fully supportive!

  3. So I thought this might give you some motivation for your pretend wedding! ;)

  4. How I envy you!
    You have such good friends.

    1. I do have some amazing friends! I am really lucky!
